strange cheese

Friday, July 28, 2006

Rommegraut (Sour Cream Porridge) serves 6

I know - this is not a cheese, but so far on this blog it is sometimes difficult do distinguish what really is... Take Norwegian brown cheese and Prim - they are both made from heath-reducing whey (we'll come back to this later) But now - ROMMEGRAUT.

Sour cream porridge with dried meats was festive food in the olden days and is still considered that today.

  • 4 dl (1 2/3 cups) 35 percent fat sour cream
  • about 3 dl (1 1/4 cups) flour
  • about 1 1/4 liters (5 cups) full fat milk
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
Sour cream porridge must be made from high fat (35%) natural sour cream, with no stabilizers or gelatin added. For the best results, use homemade sour cream. Heat 2 1/2 dl (1 cup) whipping cream to 35 C (95 F), almost body temperature, then whisk in 2 tablespoons buttermilk. Let stand at room temperature at least 8 hours, until thickened.

Simmer sour cream, covered, about 15 minutes.

Sift over 1/3 of the flour. Simmer until the butterfat begins to leach out. Skim off the fat.

Sift over the remaining flour and bring to a boil. Bring the milk to a boil and thin the porridge to desired consistency. Whisk until smooth. Simmer about 10 minutes, and season with salt. Serve with the fat, sugar and cinnamon.

From the Sons of Norway Recipe Box

Traditionelle Sauerrahmbrei Rezept im Deutsch


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